Are you skipping out on the self care?

(photo by Andrey Shtefutsa) 

Beautiful humans!

Do you encourage others to rest but press yourself onwards without a break?

Do you wait until you are in crisis mode before remembering your meditation practice?

Are you cutting some corners in your self care rituals in general?

If you are a yes for any of the above, then I want to encourage you to consider grabbing some time for yourself in one of earth's most beautiful and awe-inspiring places this August 5-7.

(photo by Yee Kiu Ng)

Join me and Katie Sollohub in Cuckmere Haven for a weekend retreat designed just for you.

This retreat offers a restorative weekend of deep rest, healing, and creative expression through guided meditation, walking the land, silence and a range of experimental drawing exercises to help you reconnect with yourself and the beauty of your surroundings.

There's just three spots remaining in this intimate offering for a maximum of 12 souls.

It's time to give yourself the deep rest you truly need so you can bring your best your life, love and work. Feel free to ask any questions after reading the description. I'm happy to answer you.

Please share to help spread the word.

Blessings, Hillary Johnson